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Yoga Nidra Sound Bath

Yoga Nidra Benefits

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Improve Your Sleep and Reduce Insomnia We all know lack of sleep contributes to a whole list of other stresses. From burnout, depression, and a weak immune system, it’s important…

What is Reiki and Its Benefits?

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Reiki is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It emerged in Japan in the late 1800’s and is said to involve the transfer of universal…

Art of Healing: Where Science And Spirituality Meet?

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Spirituality is derived from the Greek noun “pneuma,” meaning the “spirit” or soul. Spirituality comes from the concern of the human soul instead of the material world around us. However,…
Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing: Revitalize Your Mind, Body, and Soul with Gemstones

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In today's world, many of us feel overwhelmed and stressed. Every day there is a new change in the world. People feel pressured to do a lot of things at…

Best Handpan to Buy

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Handpans, with their ethereal tones and mesmerizing melodies, have captured the hearts of musicians and enthusiasts worldwide. Originating from the steelpan and influenced by various cultural and musical traditions, handpans…
Yuen Method

The Yuen Method: What is it and How Does it Work?

| Yuen Work | No Comments
Some often compare the human mind to that of a high-speed processing computer. We take in information through stimuli in the form of input, process that information using complex neural…
Sound Massage

Sound Massage with Tibetan Bowls

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A sound massage with Tibetan bowls is a unique and transformative experience due to the magical effects of the vibration of the bowls. The massage is performed using the Authentic…

Buddhism and Spirituality

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Buddhism has nearly 488 million followers worldwide, representing nearly 7% of the total world population, making it one of the largest religions followed in the world. What started in India and spread…
Sound Bath

What Is A Sound Bath? Does it Really Work?

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Life is not easy, and making sense of the things around us can become incredibly overwhelming at times. With so many external stimuli to decode and make sense of, you…
Sound Healing

What Can I Expect From A Sound Healing Session? How Often Should You Do a Sound Bath?

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Whether you want to get rid of that vexing pain in your back, relax after a tiring day at work or erase all of the negative voices in your head,…

What is Reiki, its Rules, and Does it Really Work?

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If you are into alternative healing techniques, you must have heard of Reiki – a form of alternative or complementary medicine related to energy healing. This interesting phenomenon involves working…

Crystals and Healing: The Science Behind and the Perfect Match For You

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Everyone is on a personal journey to become the best version of themselves by achieving physical, spiritual, and emotional equilibrium, but there are many instances when we face a fall…

How Can Meditation Help You Strengthen Your Self-Worth?

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There are many times in life when things become quite overwhelming, and it appears that you will never be able to escape the difficulties, and it shatters your self-esteem. With…

Going Through a Healing Process? 10 Things You Need to Know

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Trauma and pain are some harsh aspects of life that can leave long-term wounds in our lives, and healing is the only instrument to cope with these issues, or they…

What is a Kambo Treatment and Does it Work? Ritual, Safety, and Risks

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Kambo, some call it "the vaccine of the forest." This treatment is one of the ancient derivatives of the forest's natural healing powers. It is used to not only address…
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